
マルチカレンシー 対応JPY,USD,EUR,HKD,GBP,CNY,AUD,SGDに対応したクレジット決済ラインをご用意しています

Three of our innovationsIn Japan PSP industry.

Virtual Bank Service is a comprehensive payment
platform that offers various online payment methods.
We will explain it below.

Virtual Bank Service

Virtual Bank Service is a comprehensive payment platform that offers various online payment methods,
such as credit card payment and convenience store payment.

Our main customers are night lounges and beauty salons.

The market size is about seven 7 Trillion Yen.

Only about 10% of that market size uses credit card payments.
There are two reasons for this:

(1) High settlement fees; and
(2) Slow settlement of payments.

Our offer solves these two reasons.

And then We provide optimal payments such as API,
email link payment, and face-to-face payment.

So you can choose the payment method that best suits your industry and needs.

Payment schemes for various sales scenes. Virtual Bank Service

By the above, we will provide merchants and their customers
an option that is easier to use than cash payments.
With these, the payment of various sales scenes are possible.

News & Update


Company nameSmartPayment Ltd.
PresidentSatoshi Tsutsubuchi
Office Location〒221-0835
7F, 3-35-10 Tsuruya-cho, Kanagawa-ku,
Yokohama City, Kanagawa, Japan


Thank you for checking the greeting page of the representative.

I am Satoshi Tsutsubuchi, the representative director of the company.

We provide the easiest service to make payments in the nightclub and beauty salon industry.

Within 10 years, we will acquire more than 3 Trillion Yen out of the 7 Trillion Yen market size.
Technology makes the operations of payment companies the lightest.
And then, by making multi-faceted profits by providing complex services,
the profits of the settlement company will be thinned. Furthermore,
by providing a payment system optimized for the industry rather than a versatile service,
we provide payments that are most convenient for merchants and their customers.

My precepts is ' Sanpo yoshi ' (benefit for all three sides),
which teaches that in their business the merchant should take into consideration the benefits
for the customer, society, and the vendor at the same time.

PresidentSatoshi Tsutsubuchi

Introducing our members

Our Story

Jade Japan established Software development and operation, system development and operation service start
Advertising agency service started started Pay Per Click(Search advertising)
Japan office floor expansion The office has been transferred from Saitama to Yokohama because we increased from three to eight people.
Changed company name from JADE to Smart Payment Started service as Payment Service Provider (PSP)Settlements with 5 currencies (JPY, USD, EUR, SGD, HKD,)
Increased capital to 10 million yen. Partner contracts with 3 settlement companies in Singapore, Asia, and Europe
Office Location // 〒221-0835 7F, 3-35-10 Tsuruya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa, Japan
2020 © SmartPayment All Rights Reserved.